Friends are FOREVER... or at least from 2nd grade to forever...
For those that know me- I love FACEBOOK... for the simple reason that it has reconnected me to people that really mean loads to me that I lost track of due to moving as a young child. One friend, who was spoken so much about that it caused my daughter at age 2 to name her imaginary friend after her. My friend's name is Jenette and the imaginary friend's name is "myjenette" all one word and only my little one is allowed to call her "myjenette" Imagine what it is like at my house when I try to talk about my friend Jenette now... If I say Jenette- there is much laughter.... as if I am the one that has the imaginary friend.
BriElle and I were lucky enough to see Jenette at the PHX airport during her layover and THIS is what we took her for a Christmas gift... Each strip has meaning... and the back is my rendition of ART... dedicated to my friend Jenette. I plan on sending her pieces to sew onto it, each year as we get older.. Does it look like the butterflies are flying out of the flower patch? and the chicken at the bottom is on some chicken wire fabric and you may not catch them, but there are some cute little snails with a heart between them on the 1st photo... Also just FOR JENETTE! Love this friend! I have numerous times caught myself in mama bear mode for her, when others have been unkind to her... In fact- if I lived in her neighborhood there would be a few people that would see my gangsta side... And to some other friends that know me (my fellow Jail Officers who say I am "so white"- cha!! whatever THAT MEANS.. other than yep- both my parents happen to be caucasion)- they would wonder what gangsta side I am talking about. Its more of the mother bear in me (not really that gangsta)
So my point of this post is that THIS BLOG is my journal, to pass on my legacy to my children. I hope that someday- they will be able to reminisce on my goings ons and be thankful that I am their mom. THAT is what makes me happy... my children seeing that good people do good things and see the bright side of trials and adversity.
I would never profess to be perfect or even half perfect, but I will say that it pays to be honest and hold yourself to high standards. Now I can profess to say that I have lived lots and made some choices myself that held consequences and I hold myself accountable for them... SEE what that said? Hold myself... MYSELF- not others, not my children, not my spouse.. JUST me. I am in charge of ME. I do not consider any of my choices as mistakes... they are choices, I knowingly made and learned from. I can teach my children right from wrong and teach them about accountability and consequences... meaning- you speak up for your part in all situations and you understand that always when unwise choices are made- there are consequences. Not just when you get caught either. Teaching my children these things is a part of my duties as a parent. I can only hold myself accountable for just that... and it is also important to realize that we don't have a say so in how others raise their children and its NOT OK to be speaking ill of anyone because they were raised differently. LOVE ONE ANOTHER!!! I love all of my children! AND I love all my friends and even those who consider me their enemy..
I loved reading this post. Just stopping by to say HI
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