So we are all aware that if mama hen is not happy then good luck with the Rooster or the Chicks being happy... That being said- The mama hens of the world need to make a conscientious effort to realize this and take control of their destiny.. Afterall, the impact we have on our children could determine whether or not they fly the coop or stick their head in the chicken wire and get caught... The silly metaphors aside- this is a VERY serious issue that we all have a responsibility to address. Will I let my child fail? Or be lazy? Absolutely not! At what point do we quit trying? Never! Will there be tears shed? With girls- most likely.. and with tears, I will add, is someone taking accountability for their actions or lack therof.
At our house, with a blended family, there are still personalities meshing and he said/she said and determining why one person feels this way or that way... outside influences that we have no control over are taken into consideration too.
I love my children and my husband's children... and here is where I realize that sometimes love is one sided. THAT is perfectly OK and so I will just LOVE MORE. Due to circumstances before I was in the picture... there are difficult feelings and goings on that need to be dealt with between others that do not include me.... Hopefully when grown children actually grow up, they understand and can heal. Divorce is a difficult thing to get over. However, all children do grow up and when they do- will they remember every bad thing you ever said about their other parent? YES they absolutely will. Therefore, DO NOT speak unkind words about your childs other parent! I repeat DO NOT!
We all keep our little chicks wings clipped so that they cannot fly the coop too soon or before they are ready...
Until they realize that the sky will not fall because there was a little bump in their road... they still need our guidance.
I have made a very large decision to stay at home so that I can be happy, so that I can make healthy choices for my family and so that I can live more simple... There will be sacrifices and lifestyle changes and a happy HEN. THAT is what counts the most. I hope that you will follow me on this journey and watch for a few more baby chicks that will be joining our family in the near future.
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